Friday, August 19, 2005

Another friday morning

It is a glorious friday morning.
I live in one of the satellite cities of Seattle, one on the less hip 'east-side'. I work in a local software company and my daily commute is about 20-25 mins (yes, I paid big bucks to live this close to work!). On my daily commute I drive alongside a golf course, and even see the (in)famous Mt Rainer on the horizon if the day is clear.
Today while I was driving along the verdant golf course and wondering( read envying) about the people who have the time to 'golf', a golf ball hit our car. Me and Uma were woken out of our complacent rumination ( it was bagel and cream chesse today). As the little while ball bounced of the hood of the car, to the sound track of "I am nut" we were giggling, helplessly....

Good morning!

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