Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sad, no more...

I have been morose too long, today is a day to laugh and wanted to write something happy... so here are the things that make bring a smile to my face...

waking up in the morning, to the sound of birds chirping.
the smell of the first rain after the summer
daylight saving time
cold water
fresh green of the leaves in spring
a pink east sky at sunset
a cup of hot coffee
people who hate tofu and soy-milk
a story with a punchline that knocks you over
a little childs smile
the 50 random stickers on my office window
the broken key of my laptop keyboard from the last time I was in an earthquake
pink and blue together in a outfit
napkins of recylced paper ( it is sooo pacific northwest )
phones with long cords
perfect song on the radio the moment you turn it on


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