Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I am a manager at work... ie my employers have graciously decided that I need a group of people to help me accomplish the task and that I am good enough to be their 'leader'.
I crib abotu my job, about the burecratic crap I have to deal with everyday and the tons of meetings I have to go to, the presentations I have to make... ad nauseum.
I complain about being a manager, but what I am really complaining about is the adminstrative overhead. I like being a manager in the real sense of the term. I am coach, a mentor and a parent all rolled into one. Coming into a new position, the first challenge I take upon myself is to create a team. A team, where people work togther, each has their own role, but they are there to support others when needed. People love working in good teams. And three to four months into each of my job, they notice that they work well together now... they are a team. My managers notice this, always have, they ask me how I do it and I can't tell them. I have had trainign for the role... being an elder sister, teaching assistant, parent all have taught me somthing. I like to think I know how to motivate people :) or maybe I have been using something that AI folks have just now discovered. People trust people ( or robots) that mimic their mood, thought process or more superficially their mannerisms. To me it has been a simple analysis, if I have to move someones point of view from A to B, I better be damn sure of what/where point A is. It sounds cold and manipulative, but it has taught me empathy. And seeing people's point of view, and really stepping in their shoes. It has brought understanding and surprisingly it has also brought me humility. I truly understand that there is no black or white, it is all shades of gray. I have changed my point of view after talking to people around me. Accepting that you were wrong isn't just a political move. People have an instinct for when you are genuine, even the so called 'stupid' people. In leadership, like anyother relationship, trust is paramount, you can't play with it.
My managers may not have always agreed but my teams have always loved me and I, them.
Reviews are coming up at work and this year I have not done much. My manager might disagree...
But my reviews are in. My team gave me their feedback ( anonymously, ofcourse) company poll and manager feedback.

  • My Manager is really good at helping with personal developement. Our whole team is clearly happier and moving in smart directions careerwise.
  • She educates us on coding techniques, coaches us to become better SDETs. Meets and talks with us regularly, and supports good work life balance.
  • Gives me constructive feed back.
  • Over all, she is a great person and a super lead.

They used words like team and lead.
Thank you, I have my review results already and I am thrilled.

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