Tuesday, June 21, 2005

if men ...

Do not read if you are squeamish around 'feminine hygiene' issues.

Seriously, if men menstruated, there would be dispensers in every stall.

I am a child of the seventies, I came of age in the 'post-feminist' era. I haven't witnessed any feminine rallies or been a part of bra-burning feminine non-conformist movement. I was born in a world, where women could vote, could go to college, could wear whatever they wanted and decide who they would marry(they still had to get married, one step at a time, I guess).
Tampon rallies of 1998- This was a first for me. At the time, I had felt the pain. I was at the U part time during this effort and I was working full time. The company I worked for had free soda for its employees but the tampon dispensers needed money( when they were available). Ah, the furor...
My indignant feministic rants found an echo in the other voices around me. There were articles all over and the funnest part was, women were waiting, like hawks, for men to utter a word of protest...


Meanwhile, where I worked, within a month of the rally, ( and one article in the company newsletter) there were dispensers in each of the women's rooms and they did not need dimes anymore.


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