My life seems to be full of the usual struggles right now. It is quaint, this feeling of deja vu. Work stress and work hope. As you might have guessed work forms a fair part of my life ( the rest of it is my six year old.. and yes, I know I have a limited life :D)
Anyhow, questions I ask myself... where do I want to go? What is most important to me? When I look back in 10 years time what things would I have regret doing? and more importantly what things would I regret not doing? And what could I have done differently (knowing what I know now) ten years ago?
The last one is the easiest question. I think for a bit, but I know, I would not have done anything differently. The decisions I took and the life I've led, the mistakes I have made and the tears I have cried have very much made me who I am today. And I really like who I am, now, more than ever. Looking back at all those years, I realize that I have almost no regrets of having not done something. I have, if anything taken crazy risks... and put everything at stake, I have lost and lost some more, yet.
So, the question then --- what is it that I am really afraid of?
I am afraid of regret.
Ha, nice!
So, here's to regret--
He said I was in my early forties,
with a lot of life before me
And one moment came that stopped me on a dime
I spent most of the next days,
looking at the x-rays
Talking bout' the options and talking bout' sweet times.
I asked him when it sank in, that this might really be the real end
How's it hit 'cha when you get that kind of news?
Man what did ya do?
He said:
I went skydiving
I went rocky mountain climbing
I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu
And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin'
And he said some day I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dyin'
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
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You go girl:)
You have the right attitude and I am sure you will never have an occasion to regret, like they say "not now, not ever".
I live in New Jersey. I have heard seattle is very scenic, have never been to that part of US.
and yes, two is a very "interesting" age, my daughter sure keeps me busy:)
enjoyed reading your post and I hope I can say the same thing about myself...
take care,
PS:also ,isnt it interesting that we both sign with the letter P. I have a colleague here, Alex, who signs his name as X and he always addresses me as P in his emails, I liked it and used it here..
Nicely written, I won't say anything about the emotion you convey as it sounds contrived, given that you seem to be just thinking aloud!
I do hope the tears are all worth it for me. And some day I can say, that is what made me who I am! :)
thanks p :) NJ is of all it is soo o close to the NY.
primal: clarification.. the emotion sounds contrived or you won't say anything as it may sound contrived?
( I am guessing first:))
It is my blog and not my journal.. so though I may think out loud, but the putting it down is censored. and shoddy scissor work always makes things not like they were in my head :)
im sure u wont regret any of ur decisions. cheers!!!!
btw, water music has been released in USA under the label varese sarabande. it's quite nice, with a nice classical base. unfortunately, it's not been released here. tell me if u get it.
take care
Eeeps! I meant that what I say will sound contrived! I just feel that there are times when one Blogs - knowing you will be read, wanting to be read, but wishing that you weren't. So I thought, this was one of those! Heh! :)
i loved the song , yes its all worth it ...u shud love who are u right now, I do:)
bmm -40 is what I will be when you are as old as I am right now.. so, no, not very far away :)
shubho - thanks for your vote of confidence :). I saw water this last week, I can't find the music yet, but of what I heard from the movie, I love it.
Primal - :) nicely said. it was almost ...
MM - yup, love this song, right up there with superman :). And thanks!
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