Another monday morning, and I really don't want to work. It was a fabuluous weekend. It has been raining since last evening though. Not a downpour, a trickle; trickle of a leaky roof. I sit from my office and look at the 50 foot pines... clouds obsure the background... I can't see the lake beyond the pines. The clouds cover it.. but I know it is there, and the thought makes me smile. I wish, it was consistent though, I know there is a tommorow... that is going to be beautiful and I know that life is better than ever... yet, I can't seem to smile at the thought.
Last week after tons of considering and re-considering I started this blog. My journal gets too clogged up in details.. and I can't seem to write. This could be fun ... impersonal... far enough that I'll see the woods( and not focus on the trees)...
wish me luck.
1 comment:
yes this could be impersonal enough not to focus on the small details and yet personal enough to speak whats on your mind ...
my journal also tends to be depressing ..i started the blog in an effort to get away from the morose and mundane thoughts that predominate my mind ...
but iam trying to change that ..good luck girl :)
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