Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tis the season to be ...

Everywhere I look there is world weary cynicism, loves lost, pangs of being misplaced, within and without.
I was introduced to the glitzy(!) new world of blogging thru my younger siblings. Most of the blogs I visit when I go blog hopping are similar. I start from a twenny blog, the incestuous cycle may turn into a spiral but it does not stray far... the back patting, the handholding and the inane commenting. Till it dawned on me that whatever the age, it is just a bunch of lonely people reaching out. Even though most of the blog-facades seem egoistical exaggerations or single faceted views into people.. they are revealing. And this new-fangled ( hardly) media called web does make world a smaller place.
Most of the blog-spheres consist of people who have never seen each other, but they mean more to each other thru their words than the folks they meet in their daily life. Sometimes it seems like escapism, but who am I to say anything, whatever makes one get thru a difficult period and friends with masks are much better than drugs and alcohol :)
It amazes me to see the world weariness I see in these younglings, the attitudes and the coping mechanisms.. it is an insight into a generation, or is it? I wish there were more of my generation ( yeah, I know I sound like I have a foot in the grave ).. I'd like to see if there was a difference or if it is more about personality types and not age groups.
I am reading the latest Vikram Seth book. I am not done reading it, it is a slow read. Vikram Seth is much older now than he was when he wrote 'heaven lake ..'. And the pace of the book and the subject, full of filial ties and the long drawn out relationship descriptions is tedious... As I read, I wonder if it is an age thing? do these things become more important as we get older, Suitable boy was completely fictional but the plots and subplots and descriptions were far more engrossing. I found the same thing in my recent visit to India. All of the people I used to find fascinating ... had become somewhat unrecognizable in their conversation... surely it was not so before?
Or as my favorite therapist, Bernie ( who also styles my hair to perfection) said, maybe it is you who have changed, sweetheart.
Change is a good thing I guess, but what do you do when you change so, and the world you knew becomes a foreign land? I guess, you start discovering things again, with your new self.


Meenal Mehta said...

yeah or not .........

or keep going through the inane , incestuos cycle as you call it .

Yes,most blogs are egoistical, grandiose alter egos.I dont know about the lonely part,I dont reach out to people because Iam lonely..i mostly do because there are some good and bad people out there..Look at it this way, Maybe if it had not been the internet , we would never even know these people existed ..What a fantastic concept this is.

Ofcourse , they are the creepy-crawlers and internet predators but I am not talking about those ..Even if there is a miniscule hit rate , I think its worth it ..Lately though I feel cynical about everything .

About the people and the places ...Nothing seems the same .I am not able to live in that illusion anymore ,myself where people used to seem like something else ....

and yes the truth is..."dahhling , you have changed "

Shubhodeep said...

hey sis,

great blog you have here! whale of a time reading these posts. btw, have you heard the music of water by deepa mehta. (music: a r rahman)
i just bought rang de basanti music album yesterday. it's another great music album by arr. perhaps i'll review it and post the review in ur comments section.
do listen to it if u get the chance!

do drop by my blog sometime:

Anonymous said...

hey mm, just my humble opinion :). I do think it is a bunch of lonely people, more so because it is easier to write than speak, you can take your own time and ofcourse, you are not interrupted by the other person, one of the few times you actually get to speak is when you write.

Hey, shubo, nice to see you:) how did you find this? thanks for you kind words. I have been runnign around to the local store to find the two new albums, looking esp for water. i loved the music for earth, I am sure to find somethign nice. besides, i like the idea :)

Shubhodeep said...

hey i went through this post again, and found i had missed out on the v. seth part. well, he's my favourite poet. so i grabbed a copy of his new book the day it was released. but it is indeed very slow, especially after the first part which is mostly autobiographical. the dedication is very nice; im sure u'll agree. it's not a disappointment but a rather boring read. ive still not finished it. (have u listened to the band called JAL of WOH LAMHEY fame?)

Anonymous said...

nope never heard of the band... about v.seth's book, I am almost done with it now.. it seems to be a labor of love, not somethign written to gain money or fame. My issue with the book is that as a piece of literature, it is not cohesive... i'll put up a critique when I am done with it.