They wear pink saris and go after corrupt officials and boorish men with sticks and axes.
Full story here --
pieces of my life. work, my daughter, music, books, being an indian, things I am attempting to understand and accept.
Still, if they were pushed out, why would smart, professional women
insist that they chose to stay home? Because that’s the most emotionally healthy
course: wanting what you’ve got. “That’s really one of the agreed-upon
principles of human nature. People want their attitudes and behavior to be in
the all-or-nothing workplace. At every income level, Americans work
longer hours today than fifty years ago. Mandatory overtime for blue- and
pink-collar workers, and eighty-hour expectations for full-time professional
workers, deprive everyone of a reasonable family life.
"I like talking to women, and when I know a woman thru aIt baffled me as it baffled Connie, she has a very holistic view of love and sex .... a view which drives her to and contradictorily, also away from the gamekeeper. All encompassing view of a person, and of love, someone without boundaries, within and without.
conversation the desire vanishes. I cannot have sex with a woman I have a conversation with."
In the ideal American marriage today, we are told to look to
one person for everything—sexual, spiritual, financial, intellectual,
emotional—we need. It might be that the way our perception of marriage has
evolved leaves little room for marriage to thrive.
We compulsively look to media, to society, to our partners for our own
self-esteem, without ever stopping to wonder how our self-worth ended up in
someone else's hands.
..in other countries women have fewer rights. Men cheat, and women have no
leverage to stop them or to complain. It's not a matter of tolerance but of
unequal freedoms. He reminds me that in some countries, women are stoned to
death for adultery.